Re: [tied] Re: Some Thracian tribonyms

From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 12883
Date: 2002-03-26

koil- < *kailo- "holly, healthy" ?
----- Original Message -----
From: tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 8:58 AM
Subject: [tied] Re: Some Thracian tribonyms

> --- In cybalist@..., "tarasovass" <S.Tarasovas@...> wrote:
> > As a rule, I'm trying to avoid asking silly questions like 'I got a
> > wild guess and am lazy to check up myself, so please...' here, but
> I
> > can't help it this time.
> > Consider the following Thracian tribonyms (in Greek rendering):
> > 1. _tHu:noi'_,_bi:tHu:noi'_,_bi:sa'ltai_;
> > 2. _koilale:tai_, _dentHe:le:toi_ (I'm not aware of the accent).
> > It's temting to extract something like *bi:-, *tHu:n-, *le:t-, *salt
> (-
> > a)-, *koil-, *dentH(-e:)-, but I have nearly no idea as to these
> > morphemes' semantics. Any ideas?
> >
> > Sergei
> Yes, it is irritating when people do that. I do it sometimes, since
> the local linguistic library has a policy of not lendíng out
> dictionaries, and I can't afford to buy them.
> Detschew: Die thrakischen Sprachresten:
> 1 *bi-:
> Zu got. <bi-> "um, beiderseits um", verwandt mit griech. <ampHi>,
> alb. <mbi>, <mbë> "bei, und, um>, arm. <amb-> in <amb-
> &lj> "vollständig, ganz"
> 2 *tHu:n-
> no discusion of morpheme
> 3 *le:t-
> no discussion of morpheme
> 4 *salt-
> Saltos, Toponym. Zu lit. <saltis> "fliessen", preuss.
> <salus> "Regenbach". Vgl. den keltischen Flussn. Saltus
> 5 *koil-
> Koila [etc] Stadt und Hafen der Chersones, jetzt Kilia. Obgleich
> Koila, Koile: als Ortsn. auch ion Griechenland vorkommt [...] kann
> Koila in der Chersones wegen der thrak. Stammes Coelateti auch
> thrakisch sein.
> 6 *dentH(e)-
> Richtig identifiziert Jokl [...] <-dentHe:s> mit <-zentHes>, indem er
> beide auf idg. <g'en-> "erzeugen" zurückführt.
> Torsten
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