What is PIE for numeral 'nine'?

From: kalyan97
Message: 11770
Date: 2001-12-12

I shall be grateful for info. on PIE numeral 'nine'. Was there
a l- in any of the European language words?

The numeral 'nine' in Munda is 'lo'. The l- > n- transforms between
Munda and Bengali are attested (e.g. loe ? noe). The Khotanese form
for nine is: nyoh.

It is hypothesized that the form for 'nine' in Para-Munda is loh-
(rebus homonym: loha, metal, ore). The phonetic changes may be stated
as follows: loh-, noh-, noe, no, nava establishing the substrate link
between early Indo-Aryan and Munda and between Munda and Dravidian
languages. [cf. on-patu for nine in Tamil which may be a metath.
reflex of 'no' nine].

The count of nine is emphatic in a few pictorial motifs. See