From: tgpedersen
Message: 11717
Date: 2001-12-07
> The fact that horse remains were found in Denmark doesn't sayanything
> definite yet. Anyway South Scandinavia has been settled by IEpopulation and
> horse had to be of a special importance in that society - remembertypical
> IE Bronze Age petroglyphs from this region depicting chariots (BTWI can not
> explain to myself how chariots with spoked wheels which seem to beinvented
> in steppes near Ural relatively late - about 2000 BC - succeeded toreach so
> quickly such a distant place as Sweden?Maybe they had wheels? ;-)
>And what to do with chariots inI just received an e-mail from the museumsdirektoer of Odense Museum,
> northern forests?)
> Thus we need to find some specific traits which correspond to East
> burial ritual if we want to use this as a support for ourhypothetical
> constructions.OK, let's hear them, I'll search for them.
> "flat-nosed and ugly"and never
> As far as I remember such a description was applied only to Huns
> to Sarmatians (the latter were typical europeoids - their skullsprove it,
> only easternmost groups had some mongoloid admixture).I can give you Deleuran's list of references, but he doesn't say
> Alexander