Re: Odin again?

From: tgpedersen@...
Message: 9132
Date: 2001-09-07

--- In cybalist@..., cas111jd@... wrote:
> --- In cybalist@..., "Christopher Gwinn" <sonno3@...> wrote:
> >

> It seems that the Slavs should have more similarities than they do,
> as well as the Celts. Speculating on the Gundestrap cauldron, it
> appears to me that it includes many images that can relate to the
> Germano-Persian mythology. Could it be that this mythology was
> brought to the north by the Cimmerians, Celticized as the Cimbri
> in turn diffused this mythology to the early Germans?
I believe the consensus in Denmark now on the Gundestrup cauldron is
that it was made in a Thracian/Celtic overlap area somewhere around
present-day Romania.
My own idea is that the Cimmerians picked up Celtic in Central
Europe, but with a horrible accent, whence p-Celtic. The Cimbri were
pushed back to North Jutland together with other tribes by "Odin"'s
people when they invaded and occupied the rest of Denmark. In the
course of some hundred years these tribes were subjugated and changed
their language.
cf. Plutarch's biography of Marius:
As [the Cimbri] had had contact with no others and the area they had
migrated through was extensive, no one knew what kind of people they
were or from where they had originally set forth, when as a storm
they they surged into Gaul and Italy. It was considered the most
probable, however, that they must be Germanic tribes from the areas
at the Northern Ocean on account of the large size of their bodies,
their blue eyes, and because the Germani call robbers Cimbri.
When an ethnic name becomes synonymous with "robbers", that ethnos
has most likely been marginalized, one way or another.


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