Re: [tied] Scientific Nationalism

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 8951
Date: 2001-09-02

The man who suspiciously refers to himself as John Piscopo:
> She gave him a bobbit.
> She threatened to bobbit him.
> After he made love to her against his wishes, she bobbited him.
> There are no known homosexual usages, yet.

Enter Glen's showstopping split personality "Desir�e the Deadly"
wearing a stunning full-length emerald sequence gown tight against
curvacious hips (They're knee pads, darling), carefully applied
eyeshadow, blush & lipgloss, with hair you could just die for.
Julie Andrews sings the Sound of Music in the background. "Did
somebody say homosexual? It's time for my two-cents. Move over
Richard Simmons..."

"Bobbit" is in homo-vocab, alright. However, I'd imagine a low
incidence of gay male bobbiting due to a well known phenomena called
"sympathy pains". Why, just the thought of bobitting someone's
penis would make me feel very sad about losing my own penis which
has been a very good friend to me ever since I moistened my first
diapers. We've been through the thick and the thin, haven't we, yes
we have. On the other hand, you know what they say "There's no fury
like a drag queen scorned."

As for those lesbians... Well, I could see those nasty dyke gangs
kidnapping one of my helpless friends and bobitting them just so
that they could use it as part of a leather attachment... Oh my god!
What am I saying! It must be the drugs! Well, carry on.

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

email: glengordon01@...

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