Some Ideas for Nostratic Mythology... 1) The Fall of the Great Godd

From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 3722
Date: 2000-09-15

For many year I had a deep interest in PIE mythology. But I began to think in what would be a Nostratic (or Euroasiatic, choose the name you prefer...) Mythology. So, I picked elements present in European , Semitic, Asiatic myths...I'm not formulating a theory, just point some coincidences... This myths are obviously so old, that their aspects are so diluted. My emphasis was not focused in discussing Nostratic or any other proto-language. It's discussing the mythical themes.
Abstract: A couple of gods live in harmony. The Goddess died while giving birth to some angry deity. The Goddess went to Underworld. The God wants to rescue her, and go after her. The God doesn't get to rescue her, because The Great Heavenly Goddess became some kind of Underworld she-Demon.
Orpheus and Eurydike (Greece)
Demeter and Persephone (Greece)  note: changed from "God rescuing Goddess" to "Mother rescuing Daughter"
Adam and Lilith (Israel)  note: Lilith was expelled from Eden. Angels tried to take her back, but she became a demoness.
Loth and his wife (Israel) note: My idea is that Sodomah was a version of the Hell. Loth try to save his wife from "Hell", but she was turned into a salt statue.
Izanagi and Izanami (Japan)
Osiris and Isis (Egypt) note: changed from "God rescuing Goddess" to "Goddess rescuing God"
Lemminkainen and his mother (Finland)  note: changed from "God rescuing Goddess" to "Mother rescuing son"
Joao SL