From: Glen Gordon
Message: 2954
Date: 2000-08-03
>If you have it any earlier than 12000 BCE Glen, then they cannot haveMany accept 15000 BCE as the date of Nostratic (including AfroAsiatic)
>been a mesolithic culture. We are back into the big game hunter
>world of the late Ice Age, with no "broad spectrum" hunter-gatherers
>anywhere except in Africa, Australia and South East Asia.
>Altaic does have many but distant similarities to Altaic. That isErh, you mean "URALIC does have many...", right? At any rate, it's too
>Glen, save your alien abductions for getting Semitish to beSorry, I don't do aliens. And if you would quit grasping at straws like
>neighbours of the PIE at the dates you suggest.
>Are you reading what I am saying or are you inventing "straw men" to
>beat up on?