Re: Praeneste fibula

From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 1899
Date: 2000-03-17

> "Slovo o polku Igoreve" (The Tale of Igor's Campaign), the
> greatest monument of Old Russian literature, has been
> regarded as a hoax by some Slavicists (unfortunately, the
> manuscript was destroyed in the fire of Moscow in 1812)
> mainly on account of being too perfect to be true, though as
> far as I know the majority view at present is that it IS
> authentic after all. Come to think of it, "Beowulf" also
> stands apart from the other Old English literature.
> Piotr

IMHOP, "Slovo" contains so many inconsistencies (a mixture of Old Russian
and Church Slavonic forms, sincopated versions of words like Zl'a
'(personified) sorrow' instead of Zel'a etc etc) that I'm just anxious to
know the names of those Slavicists.

As for fibula, I've definitely read it somewhere that it's a forgery, and
the source (forgot, sorry) seemed so reliable to me at the time that I have
been sure since then it's a famous hoax.