
From: Herb Anderson
Message: 514
Date: 1999-12-09

I have never been on a chat line before, so if I do anything wrong, I would like to know.
I have been looking into origins and was wondering if some one could help me out.
If a person accepts the creation account found in the Bible, it gives an explanation for the languages as starting at Babel, if I read it right.  However, if one accepts the evolution concept that we all came from a primate, then how is it explained to account for the evolution of language, especially the oriental languages that are so different?  If the "cradle of humanity" is in Europe, then it would seem that all language would be from Indo-European base.  Howere, it the Leachey (?) findings in Africa prove to be the oldest of finds, then I guess Africa becomes the "Cradle of Humanity" and all language would have to come from there.
Or am I really out to lunch?