Re: Chronology of the Christianization of the East Roman Empire

From: danjmi
Message: 16351
Date: 2002-10-17

If by replying I appear to be encouraging Piscopo into
continuing with his off-topic contributions, I apologize to the
group. But my attention was caught by the phrase "Emperor
Jutprada (Justinianus)". A Google search for "Jutprada" turned
up only versions in various languages of the document Piscopo
so kindly favored us with, which turns out to emanate from The
Supreme Council Of Gentile Hellenes, an organization devoted
to restoring the old religion. I'm still curious about Jutprada.
It's in a translation from the Greek, and Greek written by a pretty
weird bunch, but, nevertheless, can anyone shed light on him?
Dan Milton

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