From: George Stana
Message: 15726
Date: 2002-09-27
> >a nice topoynm "caput bubala".Caput Bubali ("buffalo's head"). OTOH, note that "caput" also means
> Piotr did not speak about a Greek word for "head" similar toOf course, "capillus", not "caput". (Which is contained in the Romanian
>Latin "caput" but about a related word meaning "hair of the head".
> While being a possible derivation from <coama>, the word <comaTi>Of course, since, although rare in Romanian, there is the derivation
>is not in use in Romanian. Any Romanian would understand it
> Diphtongation of stressed /e/ and /o/ are two main features of"roatã, poartã, soartã (older: soarte), toartã, boalã, cioarã, picioare,
>Romanian which could be traced back up to Common (Proto-)Romanian,
>being present in all its' four dialects. Of course, in <coama> the
>phenomenon is as regular as in <soare> < solem, <moara> < molam,
><ceara> < cera.
> Marius IacomiGeorge