Re: sica

From: George Stana
Message: 15726
Date: 2002-09-27

> >a nice topoynm "caput bubala".

Caput Bubali ("buffalo's head"). OTOH, note that "caput" also means
a "limit, end" & the like (as in Romanian "capãt"), usu. of a road.
(As soon as you have "der kleine Stowasser", you'll see that "caput"
also means "capital" ["Hauptort", "Hauptstadt"].)

> Piotr did not speak about a Greek word for "head" similar to
>Latin "caput" but about a related word meaning "hair of the head".

Of course, "capillus", not "caput". (Which is contained in the Romanian
phrases "podoaba capilarã" (of hair; hair-do), "vasele capilare" (ultra-thin
blood vessels, "Kapillargefässe").

> While being a possible derivation from <coama>, the word <comaTi>
>is not in use in Romanian. Any Romanian would understand it

Of course, since, although rare in Romanian, there is the derivation
"sing. comat, comatã, plur. comatzi, comate", along with its prefixed
variant "încomat, -ã, -tzi, -e". (The DEX dictionary must have included
an entry for this.)

Moreover, there are regions in Romania where native speakers do not
use words such as "plete", "pletos", but "coamã" (mane). Also, the lion
doesn't have "plete" or "pãr" or whatever in pan-Romanian, but "coamã".

> Diphtongation of stressed /e/ and /o/ are two main features of
>Romanian which could be traced back up to Common (Proto-)Romanian,
>being present in all its' four dialects. Of course, in <coama> the
>phenomenon is as regular as in <soare> < solem, <moara> < molam,
><ceara> < cera.

"roatã, poartã, soartã (older: soarte), toartã, boalã, cioarã, picioare,
moaSã, ceartã, foarte, moare, comoarã, tumoare..." (extremely productive
these diphtongations!). (I instinctively tend to adapt "" for a
plural like this "dot.coame" :-)

> Marius Iacomi


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