dock, quay: ka_rum, karai

From: S.Kalyanaraman
Message: 7723
Date: 2001-06-23

karai = 1. shore of a sea; 2. bank, bund as of a tank; 3. bound,
limit; 4. ridge of a field; 5. border of a cloth; 6. side, prozimity,
usu, in compounds, as; 7. place; 8. word; 9. large division of co-
parcenary land in a village consisting of dry and wet lands and
garden fields (Tamil.lex.)

ka_rum = dock or quay; the word came to mean `merchant quarter'
because merchants brought their goods to the dock via rivers and
canals; there they conducted their business and often lived. Karum
Kanesh is an Anatolian settlement where Assyrian merchants lived.

Are there cognate lexemes in IE?

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