On Sun, 22 May 2011 17:21:15 -0400, Peter T. Daniels
grammatim@...> wrote:
> The problem is the collision between Arabic orthography, a variety of
> transliteration systems of varying degrees of "scientificness,"
> colloquial pronunciations of the name in different parts of the Arab
> world, and roman spellings that the American reader will be able to make
> sense of.
> --
> Peter T. Daniels
Thank you, so kindly, for your explanation[s]. All of the above, no less!
It's greatly appreciated. While "riding herd" on its language by
L'Académie française might seem to be overdoing things somewhat, this
opposite situation seems to amount to transliterational anarchy, although
relatively less harmful (imho).
I'd appreciate your permission to forward your exact text (with credit,
for certain!) to some others who might well find it interesting.
Best regards,
Nicholas Bodley _.=|*|=._ Waltham, Mass.