--- In
qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Wordingham" <richard@...> wrote:
> --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Wordingham" <richard@> wrote:
> > What go in the letter squares in other scripts? I would guess that
> > the items in the squares were aksharas in most Indic scripts, but I
> > might be wrong.
> Well, Kanarese crosswords seem to work by aksharas - example at
> http://www.ourkarnataka.com/shabdharathna/shabdharathna2.htm with
> answer at http://www.ourkarnataka.com/shabdharathna/shabdharathna3.htm
Hebrew crosswords work as you might expect, with just the consonants.
Since spelling isn't completely fixed in Hebrew, clues sometimes will
note that a word is to be filled in with "full" or "deficient"
spelling, i.e. with or without matres lectionis.
I suppose in theory Arabic could do the same, but would it even be
legible with all the letters in isolated form? It's annoying enough
in Hebrew with all letters in non-final form.