--- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Wordingham" <richard@...> wrote:

> What go in the letter squares in other scripts? I would guess that
> the items in the squares were aksharas in most Indic scripts, but I
> might be wrong.

Well, Kanarese crosswords seem to work by aksharas - example at
http://www.ourkarnataka.com/shabdharathna/shabdharathna2.htm with
answer at http://www.ourkarnataka.com/shabdharathna/shabdharathna3.htm
. Unfortunately, you have to install a hack font (Baraha Kan New,
file brhkannw.ttf, available from
http://www.dharwad.com/nimmaputa/#kannada ) to slot the answers into
the grid.
