At 01:49 +0000 2005-10-03, suzmccarth wrote:

>But untrained individuals can keyboard English by looking at the keys
>with absolultely no training once they know the capital letters, which
>children in kindergarten learn first anyway.

Hunting and pecking would be suboptimal self-training.

>Other scripts should have something available for the untrained. Why
>such an elitist attitude?

Why not train them? Why such a patronizing attitude?

>Do you think that there is something sacred about the alphabet,


>the keyboard,


>the touch typist,


>etc, etc? that
>only we, the oligoi, should alone have access to the internet.

The teeming millions are not too stupid to learn how to type. And
typing is better than hunting and pecking. It is more efficient and
more convenient. You know. Better.
Michael Everson *