Jonathon Blake wrote:

> > My guess is it varies by publisher and imprint.
> It does, but not very much. The biggest differences are in the
> royalty/advance section of the contract, not the format to submit the
> manuscript in.

Maybe but I think what happens after the manuscript is submitted varies
widely. For instance (not to beat a dead horse here but...) the ORA site
describes a ton of fact checking, editing, and formatting work that is
done *by ORA, not the author*.

> > is not "trivial" in word either IMHO - is it comparable?
> Not even close. Whilst VBA and Starbasic are descendants of Basic, in
> OOo you have to use the Java API to do anything.

Well, at some level that is comparable - access to a full fledged
development language via the application itself. There is of course a
ton of difference between the particulars of Visual Basic and Java. So I
would rate them roughly comparable for my purposes. YMMV. thanks for the
clarification though!

> > Are there known examples?
> Yes. I don't think that the scriptkiddy crowd has figured out how to
> create them yet.

Are they documented anywhere?

Also, slightly off topic, but do they cause any issues on Linux on a
file otherwise identically constructed, or is it strictly a Windows problem?

Also, since OO is currently in beta for the current cycle, are we
talking about the beta version, the current stable version, or both?

