i18n@... wrote:
> suzmccarth wrote:
> >
> > > Don't you also have to be a US voter?
> >
> > I should have remembered that - you are quite right.
> Well I am neither a mom nor a suv driver, but I am a US voter. I am not
> sure that one needs to actually vote to be in the (broadly defined)
> demographic group called "soccer moms". After all, no one really knows
> who votes and who doesn't, and given the abysmally low voting rates in
> the best of times, I doubt anyone uses the term with that nuance in
> mind. Surely no group labeled "soccer moms" votes 100% in every election.

Of course we know who votes. You don't get a ballot until you sign in.
Presumably that's mostly to prevent voting more than once, but it's a
public record, useful for exposing such things as Bill O'Reilly claiming
he registered Independent, when in fact the records show he was a
registered Republican, and this or that politician not having bothered
to vote in the past 20 years.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...