Peter Constable wrote:
> > From: Peter T. Daniels [mailto:grammatim@...]
> > > > Standard Mac fonts don't _have_ edh or thorn.
> > >
> > > I find that difficult to believe, though not having a Mac in front
> of me
> > > at the moment I can't prove otherwise.
> >
> > What does that say you're saying about me?
> That you are talking about what various operating systems do or don't do
> when you admit to not knowing how these things work, and that I
> therefore have a low level of confidence in the reliability of such
> statements.
I am not talking about operating systems. I am talking about the 223
(IIRC) slots in a Mac font, which in the standard array include several
diacritics not found in the analogous, slightly smaller, Windows font --
but do not include edh and thorn.
> When you go making statements like
> > Anyway Mac fonts have a few more slots (8?) than Windows fonts.
> you are making statements about how these things work when you haven't a
Not about how they work. About what's in them.
> clue what you're talking about. And you are completely and utterly
> wrong: fonts used on the Mac and fonts used on Windows have exactly the
> same potential in terms of the number of characters they can support.
Then howcome when I made fonts on the Mac, a few of the characters had
to be discarded to make them into Windows fonts?
> > Go to anything in Hungarian. You'll find o's and u's with what looks
> > like two acute accents. That's a long umlaut, marking long front rounded
> > vowels. (Acutes in Hungarian mark long vowels.)
> These are supported in the Windows core fonts (Arial, Courier New, Times
> New Roman and Tahoma), as well as several other fonts included with
> Windows (Palatino Linotype, Trebuchet MS, Verdana...)
Perhaps you are referring to recent versions of Windows with Unicode.
Peter T. Daniels