Hi all,
--- suzmccarth <
suzmccarth@...> wrote:
> --- In qalam@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Wordingham"
> <richard.wordingham@...> wrote:
> >>
> > Doesn't look hopeful. Google distinguishes 'role'
> and 'r�le' in
> > English, and Unicode-compliant applications ought
> to treat composed
> > characters and equivalent sequences identically.
> When I google in French I don't keyboard the accents
> and I still get
> search results. I naively deduced from that that
> diacritics could be
> discounted in google. Then I was disappointed to
> find searching the
> Cree dictionary so difficult.
AFAIK Google's treatment of diacritics maybe language
specific, in the sense that a lot of work has gone
into some languages to facilitate searching and make
searching more accurate,. Many Library management
systems in terms of seraching, neutralise diacritics.
Sounds like google does this for some languages.
I guess they've never bothered to customise searching
for Cree. No surprise there.
Just wish they would fix their Vietnamese searching.
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