I think pango was incorporated into gnome, which makes some sense. Not
sure of the current state of things, but sure more active then since 2000:




Nicholas Bodley wrote:

> On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 04:52:26 +0000 (GMT), Andrew Dunbar
> <hippietrail@...> wrote:
> Weird line breaks, just below! I didn't do them...
> >> As I understand it, the font does not contain
> >> instructions for such
> >> matters as reordering, reshaping, and joining; those
> >> are the
> >> responsibility of the software that renders the
> >> text. I do recall that
> >> Unicode is clear about this matter.
> >> How I wish Linux had something like Uniscribe!
> > Linux does have something like Uniscribe. It's called
> > Pango and it lives at http://www.pango.org/
> > Sadly, it was quite a bit behind Uniscribe when I last
> > looked.
> > Andrew Dunbar.
> Thank you. I just had a look, and it apparently supports Indic languages
> better than the current Uniscribe; could be wrong about that. Some other
> things about it looked very nice. Page was last modified in year 2000;
> pity! Hope the developer is well and happy.
> Uniscribe and Pango, once they are complete*, must represent a great
> deal
> of work.
> *I'm just about sure that neither is.
> Suzanne McC. might like to have a look at the Tamil specimen on the
> Pango
> page.
> Best regards,
> --
> Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
> The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath
> Libranet GNU/Linux: No bit rot!
> Our recent election: Smallest margin since
> Woodrow Wilson, 1916: Not a mandate.
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