At 09:32 -0400 2004-07-11, Mark E. Shoulson wrote:
>Then perhaps, instead of repeatedly chastising everyone who asks a
>question to read all of your works, you should read the works you're
>commenting on before questioning them.
The definitions (which are not necessarily exhaustive) can be found
in the Unicode Glossary at
Further discussion of how some of the terms are used is found inside
some of the other chapters of the standard; I can post links to that
after Peter Daniels has had an opportunity to read the Glossary terms
so that he can see what definitions Unicode is making. If there are
flaws or omissions, I (as one of the members of the editorial
committee) will be pleased to discuss the definitions with regard to
improving them.
Peter: If there are flaws in the definitions, and your expertise
could improve them, please help us to do so. It should not take very
much time; there are not so many of them.
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *