Susan&BJ wrote:
> Does anyone know anything about Hildegard's alphabet?

Sorry, don't know much about psychiatry. :-)

> Have searched the Net but there is very little mention
> of it and know chart at all. Also not long ago there
> was a discussion about color writing. Just the other
> day I found this site:

Eh, eh... I can imagine what color-blind people would think about that.

> Another question that I have is did anyone ever come
> across a kind of a sign writing from the middle ages
> that looks like an elongated reversed S with a
> vertical line at both ends? This goes back about 40
> years or so when I was much younger and reading
> anything I could lay my hands on about different
> alphabets etc. What I can remember is that the article
> in my uncle's magazine was about the history of
> universal languages. Unfortunately I cannot remember
> the name or the inventor of the system. The "S" was
> filled with different symbols (dots, cirles, lines,
> crosses etc.) within and without the "S". The premise
> was that once someone learns the meanings they can
> read it in their own tongue.

Could that be the "Ars Magna" of Ramon Lull? (aka "Llull", "Lullus",

Have you read Umberto Eco's "Alla ricerca della lingua perfetta"? (English
translation: "The Search for the Perfect Language", Blackwell Publishers)

Eco's book deals with all kinds of "philosophical" languages or alphabets
invented from antiquity to modern age: there are chances that it might have
the answers to at least some of your questions.

_ Marco