Nicholas Bodley wrote:

>On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 14:15:46 -0400, <cowan@...> wrote:
>>No, it's Mgrvgrvla-dje. It takes longer to say the first syllable
>>than it does to say most syllables, but it's a single syllable: the r's,
>>in particular, are definitely not syllabic.
>Good grief! Thanks. I'm amazed, but it really does seem that linguistics
>has a good share of amazements.
>The r's must be voiced (vocalic?).
In Sanskrit, there's a letter for vocalic "r", so you can tell when it's
a vowel. And yet there are words like "'satrva.h" where the r between
the t and v is specifically a consonant. I'm not quite sure how they do
that without it sounding like at least a very short syllable.
