On Mon, 31 May 2004 17:48:15 -0400, Peter T. Daniels
grammatim@...> wrote:
>> I didn't know the word "loge" myself.
> You didn't go to NYC movie palaces in your yout'! Loew's 175th Street
> had "Loges," whatever they were. And however you pronounced them.
It seems that some of us reach maturity without knowing a very few words
that are in common use. I can recall my dear sister, who was maybe in her
30s, very intelligent and aware, who didn't know the definition of a disc.
How she missed out, I have utterly no idea.
(Then there are the "myzl" sayers, who pronounce "misled" as if it were
the past form of a verb "to misle" (myzl), and are surprised to never see
the past form of "mislead" in print. ("Past form" betrays long-forgotten
names of basic grammatical terms; sorry!))
Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass.
Opera 7.5 (3778), using M2