Peter T. Daniels scripsit:
> > I didn't say that *Gleason* could analyze them as /zj/.
> You appended that as a comment to Gleason's discussion.
I appended it as a comment to your posting of G's discussion.
I supposed that you were citing it as independent evidence, not
merely as an indication of Gleason's views.
> You've never done a phonemic analysis of a language?
> > > > I will bet there are dialects in which all three of these show /dZ/.
> > >
> > > We aren't describing a "dialect." We're describing General American, in
> > > particular as instantiated by Henry Allan Gleason, Jr.
> >
> > It is preposterous to claim that General American is not a dialect.
> "Dialects" in which those three words have /dZ/ are not General
> American.
It was you who introduced GA into the discussion. I was speaking of
English as a whole, and whether it is satisfactory to treat /Z/ as a
phoneme in it.
> > The notion that "rouge" is underlyingly /ruzj/ is
> > absurd.
> Obviously.
The notion that "vision" is underlyingly /vIzj@.../ is far less absurd.
From another posting:
> Why do you speak in the past? He hasn't died without telling me, has he?
Perhaps suzmccarth had him confused, as I initially had, with the far
more famous Henry Allan Gleason (1882-1975). I suppose they are
father and son, though I can find no specific confirmation of this.
He made the Legislature meet at one-horse John Cowan
tank-towns out in the alfalfa belt, so that
hardly nobody could get there and most of
the leaders would stay home and let him go
to work and do things as he pleased. --Mencken, Declaration of Independence