Michael Everson wrote:
> At 17:12 -0400 2004-05-27, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> > > And the RAFE over VEYZ and FEY, and the SIN DOT in SIN, and the
> > > DAGESH in TOF and PEY and KOF, and the HIRIQ used with YOD, and the
> > > DAGESH used with VOV, and the PATAH used with double YOD in EY.
> >
> >I bet those are Unicode names for the letters -- what's VEYZ? What's SIN
> >DOT in SIN?
> Veyz, fey, sin, tof, pey, kof, yod, vov, and ey are Yiddish names.
> RAFE, SIN DOT, DAGESH, HIRIQ, PATAH are Unicode points used in
> Yiddish orthography, along with QAMATS.
Neither veyz nor ey appears in the WWS list of names; and those "points"
are not used in Yiddish orthography, only letters in which the Hebrew
points with those names appear are. In Yiddish, they're not separable
from the "consonants" on which they ride.
I still don't know what "SIN DOT in SIN" is.
Peter T. Daniels