At 08:13 -0400 2003-09-16, Peter T. Daniels wrote:

>That's the chart of Epigraphic Semitic scripts; Arabic is included,
>but none of the descendants beginning with Perso-Arabic. I have the
>impression that Michael tends to defend whatever the Unicode
>engineers have come up with, regardless of its relation to history
>or practicality.

I shouldn't think so. It's clear that the Persians added characters
to the Arabic script, and the Pashtun and the Urdus and the Sindhis
added even more of them. I do not think that the Persians invented a
new script.

Your (new) suggestion that there is something wrong with the Unicode
encoding of the Arabic script puzzles me, because it works very well
for the representation of all of the languages listed here and many
Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *