Phillip, Yes, thanks, and sorry to anyone inconvenienced. I was tired
& typed it in wrong.
BTW, I also have the rendition of the "African reference alphabet"
from the French language report of 1978 Niamey conference on the same
page as the previously discussed version from the English report: (I think I have
that right, having copied it over...). One character in the latter
is not in the French version - the hooked z. And it shows only lower
case letters (I think a matter of convenience, not related to Mann &
Dalby's later take on the "Niamey keyboard").
Thanks again & all the best...
Don Osborn
--- In, "Phillip Driscoll" <phild@...> wrote:
> Perhaps you forgot the "Documents" directory in your link?
> This works better:
> ----- Originala Mesagxo -----
> De: "Don Osborn" <dzo@...>
> Al: <>
> Sendita: Saturday, August 30, 2003 3:45 PM
> Temo: Practical Orthography of African Languages, 1930
> > Last May on this group there was discussion of Latin-based
> > transcriptions for African languages, and during the exchange,
> > was mention of the early (1930) Africa alphabet and its relation
> > current orthographies. Well, thanks to Konrad Tuchsherer, who
> > supplied me with a copy to scan (and reviewed my first online
> > version), the Practical Orthography of African Languages, rev.
ed. is
> > now available at
> >
> > It's notable that the characters available in the unicode fonts
> > Gentium and Arial Unicode MS cover all that were used in the text
> > that document save one (a capital modified Z for which I inserted
> > little .gifs in the Shona examples near the end of the text).
> >
> > Don Osborn
> >