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----- Originala Mesagxo -----
De: "Don Osborn" <
Al: <>
Sendita: Saturday, August 30, 2003 3:45 PM
Temo: Practical Orthography of African Languages, 1930
> Last May on this group there was discussion of Latin-based
> transcriptions for African languages, and during the exchange, there
> was mention of the early (1930) Africa alphabet and its relation to
> current orthographies. Well, thanks to Konrad Tuchsherer, who
> supplied me with a copy to scan (and reviewed my first online
> version), the Practical Orthography of African Languages, rev. ed. is
> now available at
> It's notable that the characters available in the unicode fonts
> Gentium and Arial Unicode MS cover all that were used in the text of
> that document save one (a capital modified Z for which I inserted
> little .gifs in the Shona examples near the end of the text).
> Don Osborn