John Cowan wrote:
> Peter T. Daniels scripsit:
> > Wouldn't "Latin script" be just the 23 letters and no punctuation used
> > for Latin?
> I should prefer to refer to that as the Latin alphabet[*], and reserve
> the term "Latin script" for the inclusive system of approximately 170
> base characters and 65 productive diacritics (one can jigger with these
> figures by recognizing more diacritics and fewer bases or vice versa).
What's Latin about it? It wasn't spread by the Latin Empire!
> But of course all terminology issues are basically about convenience,
> and different people have different needs. Tex was asking in the
> context of internationalized programming.
> [*] Or one phase of it: an earlier phase lacked "G", and a later phase
> makes case distinctions and treats "U" and "V" as separate, or even
> "I" and "J" as separate.
Peter T. Daniels