[**Moderator's comment** Post accepted because it contains information about mailing lists related to topic (spelling reforms). Last part (allies) is OT.]
--- In
qalam@yahoogroups.com, i18n
<i18n@...> wrote:
> At 06:49 PM 1/16/2003 +0000,
seshattrismegistos <seshat@...>
> >Etaonsh,
> >from you will be rejected. If you
will insist in off-topic posting,
> >you will be asked to leave.
> Perhaps Etaonsh can start his own
group to discuss the topics his is
obviously interested in, and be
allowed to invite the members of
this list to join?
Thank you for thinking about me,
Barry, at this time of trial. I have
always had a group of my own
advertised on my profile, Sawndspel
2. This, as mentioned in a previous
post, was set up because of a
tendency in the members of
Saundspel, its precursor, to revert
to traditional spelling despite all
claiming an interest in spelling
reform. Consequently you are
expected to participate in some
attempt at reformed spelling (yours
or someone else's). Apart from that
there is a certain freedom of speech
there. It was one of my members (who
has gone quiet lately) who made me
aware of qalam. I don't really know
everyone here, but Sharon, Suzanne
and yourself have momentarily come
to my attention as possible allies.