Sorry for the late uptake, but I couldn't resist taking a stab at it:
    Right side of bill:  "anti yaa nab3 alHanaan allatii ja3alatnii 'uHibb addunyaa min ajlihaa"
    Left side of bill:  "ilaa ruuH qalbii alHabiibah alghaaliyah (kifaayah) min aHmad"  (not 100% sure about the word in parentheses)
    "You, o fountain of tenderness, are the one who has caused me to love the world for (its/her) sake"
    "To the beloved, precious spirit of my heart (enough) From Ahmad"  (not 100% sure about the word in parentheses)
The feminine form of "you" makes it clear that Ahmad is writing to a woman.
- Michael
-----Original Message-----
From: David Starner [mailto:starner@...]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: Arabic (?) found on dollar bill

At 07:20 AM 7/22/02 -0400, you wrote:
>A URL for the pic would help -- are you saying someone wrote on it, or
>you found this in the design of the bill?

It's at the Yahoo Groups site;
or if that doesn't work.
It's written on, in bright purple ink. (Black, in the scan, as I
played around with the colors to make it appear better on screen.) - world's writing systems.
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