Michael Everson wrote:
> At 16:23 -0400 2002-07-19, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> >I hope you somehow found an original printing (lucky you! all I have is
> >a photocopy) and not the reprint by "Gorgias Press," which unaccountably
> >reprinted the 1883 original rather than the 1899 "second edition," which
> >added a page or so of Corrigenda. (I don't know whether there are any
> >changes in the body of the book.)
> Mine is an original 1883 edition, rebound by Haileybury Library,
> Hertford, which "discarded" this treasure in 1991. I'd be happy to
> see the page or so of Corrigenda. I found my copy from
> http://abebooks.com/, where antiquarian bookstores worldwide offer
> their wares. My copy cost GBP 25 plus GBP 10 postage (heavy books!).
> >For a fuller appreciation, see my article in Israel Oriental Studies 20
> >(2000), which was supposed to be published about two years ago.
> I'd love a copy if that if you've an offprint.
> >NB His South(east) Asian letterforms are largely taken from Holle's
> >charts, which are now re-available in *Written Language and Literacy*.

You mean ISSN ... go to John Benjamins' website.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...