At 16:23 -0400 2002-07-19, Peter T. Daniels wrote:
>I hope you somehow found an original printing (lucky you! all I have is
>a photocopy) and not the reprint by "Gorgias Press," which unaccountably
>reprinted the 1883 original rather than the 1899 "second edition," which
>added a page or so of Corrigenda. (I don't know whether there are any
>changes in the body of the book.)

Mine is an original 1883 edition, rebound by Haileybury Library,
Hertford, which "discarded" this treasure in 1991. I'd be happy to
see the page or so of Corrigenda. I found my copy from, where antiquarian bookstores worldwide offer
their wares. My copy cost GBP 25 plus GBP 10 postage (heavy books!).

>For a fuller appreciation, see my article in Israel Oriental Studies 20
>(2000), which was supposed to be published about two years ago.

I'd love a copy if that if you've an offprint.

>NB His South(east) Asian letterforms are largely taken from Holle's
>charts, which are now re-available in *Written Language and Literacy*.

Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***