william bright wrote:
> Peter Daniels wrote:
> >You can find the original description in Gari Ledyard's dissertation
> >(1966); available from UMI for a lot cheaper than if it had ever been a
> >published book. (I don't remember how much of the 1443 text is included
> >in his article in Kim-Renaud 1997, U HI Pr.)
> Ledyard's dissertation, *The Korean Language Reform of 1446*, now IS a
> published book, in a somewhat revised and handsomely printed, hard-bound
> edition: published by Singu in Seoul, 1998. It costs 25,000 won; i'm not
> sure how much that is in US$, but it's a bargain. The work is discussed by
> Young-Key Kim-Renaud in the book review that i referred to before, in WL&L
> 4:2, forthcoming.

My, we're really pushing copyright violations this week, aren't we! That
was a pirated publication, according to Young-Key not sanctioned by the
author, who always refused to publish the dissertation without revising
it, which he insisted was too big a job to attempt.

She was elated that she got him to put as much of it as he did into her
1997 collection.
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...