[Jon Babcock (Re: CJK combining components (was RE: "Giga ...)) writes:]
>> To restate the question: To identify any Chinese character by means of
>> hemigrams, does it matter how the hemigrams are positioned relative to each
>> other?
>> Of the examples given so far, only yun24 U+6688 and hui1 U+6689 may turn out
>> to pose a problem and may give us the best example so far of a case where
>> position alone matters.
How about U+4ECC and U+4ECE?
Jim Breen [
j.breen@... http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/%5d
Computer Science & Software Engineering, Tel: +61 3 9905 3298
Monash University, Fax: +61 3 9905 3574
Clayton VIC 3168, Australia $B%8%`!&%V%j!<%s(J@$B%b%J%7%eBg3X(J