You probably should look for a Classics list or newsgroup to ask.

Marco.Cimarosti@... wrote:
> I would like to have some fresh info about an Etruscan document, the so
> called "Disco di Magliano".
> It is a lead disc found in Magliano, a town in Italy. Both sides are
> completely filled with an Etruscan inscription in the shape of a spiral,
> running from the border to the center.
> Here are my Q's:
> 1) Where can I find info about this document (web sites, books, articles)?
> 1.a) Where can I find a decent photograph of both sides (good enough to read
> the text), or a readable reproduction?
> 1.b) Where can I find a transcription of the text? (I did try myself, and
> the result was filling up a block notes with doubts; it is a job for
> experts...)
> 2) When has it been found, by whom, and where? (I found several Magliano's
> on the atlas of Italy)
> 3) What age does it date back?
> 4) Did any scholar (attempt to) translate it or parts of it? Or, however,
> what is known about the text?
> 5) Did any scholar (attempt to) explain why the document has that strange
> spyral format?
> 6) Is this the only known Etruscan document with a spiral text?
> 7) Where is the document now? Is it open to the public?
Peter T. Daniels grammatim@...