Peter T. Daniels wrote:
> You probably should look for a Classics list or newsgroup to ask.
Perhaps I was slightly off topic? Well I admit that questions 2-7 have
little to do with "writing systems". So I will go on some list about
archaeology and museums (mmm... or is it "musea"?).
But I think that questions 1.x were actually about the Etruscan alphabet
(or, well, about my problems reading that particular example of the Etruscan
alphabet), so I will leave them on this list.
> > 1) Where can I find info about this document (web sites,
> books, articles)?
> >
> > 1.a) Where can I find a decent photograph of both sides
> (good enough to read
> > the text), or a readable reproduction?
> >
> > 1.b) Where can I find a transcription of the text? (I did
> try myself, and
> > the result was filling up a block notes with doubts; it is a job for
> > experts...)
_ Marco