----- Original Message -----
From: Piotr Gasiorowski <piotr.gasiorowski@...>
Date: Thursday, August 14, 2003 9:58 pm
Subject: Re: [phoNet] Re: Directionality of Sound changes

> <html><body>
> <tt>
> 14-08-03 21:24, Richard Wordingham wrote:
> > What are the phonotactics of null phones? How many can we
> have
> > between non-null phones?
> If phones are bundles of properties (features, elements, etc.
> depending
> on the model)

If you consider them instead to be vectors you can compute
dissimalarities (distances) amongst them.

Further, if you put the �null� at the origin of the 3D space'
which is right next to vowels, then you can also describe
changes of the type V>null as a near-neighbor shift.

associated with strings of "skeletal
> positions" (temporal
> slots that serve as placeholders for phonological material), a
> null
> segment or what Miguel called a "null phone" corresponds
> to an empty
> string of positions (i.e. does not occupy a quantum of
> phonological
> time), and is phonologically empty (contains no material, even in
> the
> form of "floating" features). Therefore, it plays no
> role in
> phonotactics. It's just a notational device used for describing
> the
> appearance or disappearance of segments.
> Piotr
> </tt>
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