Hi, Piotr,
Thanks for your reply. What you are doing seems very
interesting. In fact what I'll do is to offer the
oppotunity for our students to correct their English
pronunciations through our intranet. That's why I
think it'll be interesting if I can use some colors.
Actually I've found it: the Silent Way of teaching
foreign languages. I don't know yet how it works. I'll
observe some classes using it.
By the way do you know any interesting books on
phonetics? Thanks.
--- Piotr Gasiorowski <
gpiotr@...> wrote:
> I've never used colours, though I suppose
> synesthetic associations between colour stimuli and
> sound quality could be exploited in teaching. Music
> is great for stress and rhythm practice. What I've
> always done with my student in practical phonetics
> classes is all sorts of breathing and relaxation
> exercises, sometimes inspired by hatha yoga.
> Students should learn to control their breath,
> phonation and articulation.
> Piotr
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Dexian Sun
> To: phoNet@egroups.com
> Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 5:59 PM
> Subject: [phoNet] phonetics teaching methods
> Hi,
> I just fall into this group as I'm searching for new
> methods of
> teaching phonetics. I heard that there are ways as
> using colors and
> musics to teach it. Does any one of you know some
> references on these
> methods? Any other methods are welcome. Thanks.
> Regards.
> Dexian
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