----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Odegard
To: phoNet@egroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 1:57 AM
Subject: Re: [phoNet] Assimilation of English consonants

[ʦ], as in tsar, rats lacks a corresponding IPA diagraph.
The voiced counterpart of [ʦ] is of course [ʣ]! These are IPA symbols for them. Even UniPad has both, though for practical reasons it doesn't provide ready-made symbols for all possible affricates: to transcribe retroflex [tʂ, dʐ], or lateral [tɬ, dɮ], you have to combine two characters. In most English realisations, [ts] is not close-knit enough to be a genuine affricate (like German z or Polish c); it's phonetically a stop + fricative cluster. However, in many British accents (such as Cockney) fortis /t/ is affricated rather than aspirated, and becomes a genuine (apical, alveolar) [ʦ], e.g. time ['ʦɒɪm].