
Message: 4872
Date: 2017-01-10

Dear all,

In Vietnam now we are initiating the project of translating Pali Atthakathas into Vietnamese.  And I am working with the ganthārambhakathā of Anguttara Atthakatha.  I am stucked by the word "avimuttatantimaggā" which seems to refer to a passage in Vissudhimagga, as you could see more clearly from the passage cited here:

“sīlakathā dhutadhammā, kammaṭṭhānāni ceva sabbāni.
♦ cariyāvidhānasahito, jhānasamāpattivitthāro.
♦ “sabbā ca abhiññāyo, paññāsaṅkalananicchayo ceva.
♦ khandhādhātāyatanindriyāni, ariyāni ceva cattāri.
♦ “saccāni paccayākāradesanā suparisuddhanipuṇanayā.
♦ avimuttatantimaggā, vipassanābhāvanā ceva.
♦ “iti pana sabbaṃ yasmā, visuddhimagge mayā suparisuddhaṃ.
♦ vuttaṃ tasmā bhiyyo, na taṃ idha vicārayissāmi.

(Sorry for my approximate English translation - just for your quick catch up)

The discussion about Sila, Dhuta practice, and all Meditation objects.
The explanation of Jhana's attainment together with the implementation of Cariya.
And all Abhinna, the clarification of Panna group also.
Khandha, Dhatu, Ayatana, Indriyas and four Ariya Saccas.
The explanation of Paccaya principle by the method of complete purity.
AVIMUTTATANTIMAGGAs, the practice of Vipassana also.
"Because thus all was said by me with way of complete purity.
So, I will not think over them here any more.

As I looked up, the TANTI seems to mean "passage in Scripture text which could be Visuddhimagga here", so AVIMUTTATANTIMAGGAs = "ways of passage of being unreleased" according to my opinion.

The explation of Tika about this is not clear for me:

Paṭisambhidādīsu āgatanayaṃ avissajjetvāva vicāritattā avimuttatantimaggā.

Please kindly give me your advices

Sincerely yours,

Huỳnh Trọng Khánh

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