“araññe viharantānaṃ, santānaṃ brahmacārinaṃ".
Why does viharati have ānaṃ at the end? Is that the dat/gen declension of nouns ending in a? If yes, why is it so? Should it not be viharantaṃ, grammatically the present active participle?
Similar question for santānaṃ, why the ending? DPR says santa is the pp. of sammati, so should it not just stay santa (or santā)?
As for brahmacārinaṃ, I am not sure what I think it should be, but in any case the inaṃ confuses me ( which I am guessing is the dat/gen declension of nouns ending in i).
If someone would shed some grammatical light on this I would be grateful.