Re: Sv-n.t I 1-2 (introductory verse 9)
From: petra kieffer-Pülz
Message: 3272
Date: 2011-06-24
Dear Jim,
sādhippāyamahāpayaṃ has to be separated into sādhippāyam ahāpayaṃ.
ahāpayaṃ is of the particip present of the caus. hāpeti "to omit", thus it refers to the subject of the sentence.
sa at the beginning of sādhippāyam probably stands for sva "own or original intention"
I would translate:
I will begin the commentary without destroying the own (i.e. original) intention (of the commented text), relying on that meaning (which the original text has) and (any) another meaning as is appropriate".
I think that atthaṃ refers to the meaning implied in the text, the aññaṃ to meanings suggested by other earlier persons. The latter are only considered as it seemed appropriate to the author.
For the sādhippāyam ahāpayaṃ compare also the introductory verses of the Abhidhammatthavibhāvinīṭīkā
tasmā līnapadān' ettha sādhippāyam ahāpayaṃ
vibhāvento samāsena racayissāmi vaṇṇanan ti
This has been translated by Wijeratne/Gethin as
"Therefore I will compose this commentary, explaining concisely the hidden meanings without destroying the (original) intention."
Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz
Wilhelm-Külz-Strasse 2
99423 Weimar
Tel. 03643/ 770 447
kiepue@... (priv.)
Am 24.06.2011 um 16:13 schrieb Jim Anderson:
> Re: Sādhuvilāsinī, introductory verse 9.
> I haven't been able to properly understand the following verse:
> Vaṇṇanaṃ ārabhissāmi, sādhippāyamahāpayaṃ;
> Atthaṃ tamupanissāya, aññañcāpi yathārahaṃ. 9.
> There's no proplem with pada 9a (I will now begin the commentary) but it is
> problematic to understand the grammar and meaning of the rest of the verse
> (padas 9bcd).
> I first took 'sādhippāyamahāpayaṃ' to be: sa (=saha) + adhippāya + mahā +
> payaṃ. The main difficulty here is with 'paya' which has the meaning of
> "milk" or "water" and the great water or great milk doesn't make much sense.
> Some other possibilities I'm considering are:
> '-mahāpayaṃ' = mahā + āpayaṃ -- a great river (see MW under āpayā f.) -- ?"a
> great river of particular meanings".
> 'sādhippāyamahāpayaṃ' = sādhippāyam ahāpayaṃ. CPD has 'ahapaya' in the sense
> of not neglecting, not omitting. ??with the particular meanings, without
> omitting,"
> Could '-mahāpayaṃ/ perhaps be the name of a text?
> Another problem is deciding on whether sāḍhippāyamahāpayaṃ' is an attribute
> of vaṇṇanaṃ or atthaṃ.
> My translation of padas 9cd is: "relying on that meaning and the other (one)
> too as is appropriate" although it's not clear what "that meaning" and "the
> other" is referring to. Perhaps 'taṃ' and 'aññaṃ' are referring to somthing
> else.
> Best wishes,
> Jim
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