Re: Sv-n.t I 1-2 (introductory verses 7-8)
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3265
Date: 2011-06-17
Dear Petra,
<< I think padas cd in verse 7 form one unit. That with respect to which the
king's mind is determined/zealous is the purification of the sasana. ussaaha
often describes the mental determination to do something, and it is of
utmost importance in legal context whether one is sa-ussaaha or nirussaaha.
You're probably right about pada 7cd being one (phrasal) unit. My taking it
as two units would have been valid if daḷhaṃ (an adverb) had been daḷho. Is
"That with respect to which..." your translation of "taṃ nissāya (8a) yo
<< The jotana in vs 8b might mean "explanation" (see DOP s.v.) "may he (i.e.
the king) too be a support for me in explaining the Teacher's saasana".
Whether upatthambho means support by way of encouragement or some more
material support, is unclear. There is one passage, where upatthambho
bhavissaami (MN-a IV 157) refers to the Buddha as a support for the
bhikkhus. >>
ī don't yet have DOP II but will be ordering it as soon as I get my new
credit card. PED has "illumination, explanation".My translation "making
shine" is from taking jotana as causative like sodhana. The meaning will
depend on who is doing the action. I can't see the king doing the explaining
as I understand that the commentator had a special relationship to the king
as his rājaguru (from Bode, if ī remember correctly).
Problems with understanding and translating will come up frequently and I
think it is enough to be at least aware of these problems without
necessarily having to worry about resolving them anytime soon. Thanks for
the Ps reference which helps.