Re: ārocesu
From: Khristos Nizamis
Message: 3215
Date: 2011-04-11
Ven. Yuttadhammo,
adding further confirmation to what has already been said, the
Chaṭṭhasaṅgītipiṭakaṃ edition has "ārocesuṃ" in this same passage and
sentence (Vol. I, p. 310, para. 510).
On 10 April 2011 18:37, Noah Yuttadhammo <yuttadhammo@...> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> Can anyone tell me anything about the following sentence:
> "Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṃ ārocesu."
> other than that it is a typographic error? I'm about to submit a report
> to the VRI telling them their file:
> has the above typo in it. There are 98 instances of the sentence "Atha
> kho te bhikkhū bhagavato etamatthaṃ ārocesu." in the Vinaya Pitaka, and
> the 97 other instances all have "Atha kho te bhikkhū bhagavato
> etamatthaṃ ārocesuṃ."
> Best wishes,
> Yuttadhammo
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