Kc 50
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3163
Date: 2010-12-28
[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappa, Pañcamakaṇḍa, Sutta 50]
50. 45. O avassa (126).
Ava icc' etassa byañjane pare kvaci okāro hoti.
When a consonant follows, sometimes there is the substitution of ‘ava’ for
[. . . sometimes 'o' is substituted for 'ava'. --ja]
Andhakārena onaddhā (Khu. i, 35).
onaddhā: ava naddhā; o naddhā (50); onaddhā.
Kvacī ti kasmā? Avasussatu me sarīre maṃsalohitaṃ (M. ī, 146).
Why say ‘sometimes’? To prevent the operation of this rule in the following:
Avasussatu me sarīre maṃsalohitaṃ.
Counter Examples:
avasussatu. Here there is no substitution of ‘ava’ for ‘o’.
-- translation by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004
-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 28 December 2010
(last quarter moon, 4:18 GMT)