Re: Sv I 2 with two .tiikaas (1)
From: Jim Anderson
Message: 3116
Date: 2010-10-30
Dear Petra,
Ma Vajira followed up with a correction of her translation which I've copied
and pasted below:
<< I think I should have translated sabhaavavibhaavana.m as "natural
explanation" and not "clear explanation." We don't have the volume of the
dictionary containing this word in my section of the monastery. I'll have
to check elsewhere. >>
I'm not sure if I can agree with "natural" for "sabhaava". I have to Lance's
comment some more thought.
p.s. I'm a bit distracted at the moment after having got my 90 yr old mother
into a long-term care faciltty yesterday.
> Dear Jim,
> thanks for forwarding Ma Vajira's explanation. Together with Lance's
> remark that vibhaaga describes the act of dividing it is a good
> explanation of this translation.
> Best,
> Petra