Kc 17

From: Jim Anderson
Message: 2827
Date: 2010-04-28

[Kaccāyanabyākaraṇaṃ, Sandhikappo, Dutiyakaṇḍo, Sutta 17]

17. 19. Yam edantass' ādeso (43).

Ekārassa antabhūtassa sare pare kvaci yakārādeso hoti.

When a vowel follows, the letter ‘e’ which stands at the end sometimes
is substituted for ‘y’.

[there should be substitution of 'y' for 'e' not the other way around.
I would translate: When a vowel follows, there is, in some cases, the
substitute 'y' for the 'e' standing at the end. --ja]

Adhigato kho my āyaṃ dhammo (Vin. īi, 5), ty āhaṃ evaṃ vadeyyaṃ (M.
i, 16),  ty āssa (A. i, 153) pahīnā honti.

myāyaṃ: me ayaṃ; m e ayaṃ (10); m y ayaṃ (17); m y āyaṃ (25); myāyaṃ
tyāhaṃ: te ahaṃ; t e ahaṃ (10); t y ahaṃ (17); t y āhaṃ (25); tyāhaṃ

Kvacī ti kasmā? ne 'nāgatā, iti n' ettha [ne 'ttha --ja]

Why say ‘sometimes’? To prevent the operation of this rule in the
following: ne 'nāgatā, iti n' ettha [should be ne 'ttha --ja].

Counter Examples:
nenāgatā: ne anāgatā; n e anāgatā (10); n e nāgatā (13); nenāgatā
nettha: ne ettha; n e ettha (10); n ettha (13, e + e are asavaṇṇa
because e has no savaṇna sara) [should be elision of second 'e' --ja];
nettha (11).

-- translation and notes by Ven. U Nandisena, 2004

-- posted (with some minor editing) by Jim Anderson, 28 April 2010
(full moon)
Note: Mmd is in agreement with the second 'e' of 'ne ettha' being
elided but this does not agree with Kc 13 (parasaralopa) which states
that, alternatively, the following vowel is elided when it does not
have the same form as the preceding one (vaa paro asaruupaa). Some
further investigation will be needed to resolve this.

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